Plane Travel with An Infant

Nic with all our bags lol

Nic with all our bags! lol

Aluna’s first travel day at 6 weeks old!

We first traveled with Aluna when she was 6 weeks old, once her doctor cleared her and gave her shots! We have since traveled on at least 10 flights, and she is now 10.5 months! Traveling with a 6 week old is way easier than a 10 month old because all she did was sleep. Now, Aluna is READY to play once she is up from a nap. Here are a few things from my experiences that you may find helpful:

Traveling with Baby at Airport

  • Infants under 2 travel for free! but don’t forget to add them onto your ticket

    • You typically don’t need their birth certificate or ID, but I would bring it in case. I only had an issue 1 time where the ticket issuer gave me a hard time for not having it. I was able to pull up a copy of her birth certificate on my phone - Thank you, iCloud Drive!

  • Check a bag or not to check a bag?

Which kind of traveler are you? The one that wants to check everything so you don’t have anything to carry? …or the one that doesn’t want to check a bag so you don’t have to wait for it when you arrive? Well, I used to be the latter, but now when I’m by myself, it would be juggling a lot to have Aluna and a bunch of bags! Some things to consider:

  • Most airlines will gate check a stroller or car seat for free. When Nic and I are together on a flight, we would bring our Doona Stoller + the Padded Stoller Case (you can wear it as a back pack!) through security all the way to the gate. I would babywear Aluna as soon as we got the airport and would use the stroller as an extra thing to put stuff that we didn’t want to carry, then pack it up at the gate.

  • You can check your stroller or car seat at the gate as a “specialty item” for free! Make sure to tie a distinct bow, ribbon, or handkerchief so it avoids any mix ups. If you have the budget, buy a padded case. I see how they can toss things around there!!

  • Some airlines allow an extra “diaper bag” as a carry on(so yes, 3 carry ons!), so don’t forget to check your Airlines’ rules on that.

  • If you do want to want to bring a carry on, my suggestion is to use a 360 roller bag so you can push it and then rest your diaper bag on it if you don’t feel like wearing it anymore.

  • BABY WEAR! I’ve traveled alone a few times with just her, and baby wearing has saved me so much! When you go through security, you can keep your carrier on, but they might swipe your hands and test the, depending on the airport. I was also surprised how many people want to help a mom who is by herself. I was so grateful to know there are tons of kind people out there(even during the pandemic!)

  • Pack Plenty of Diapers! It’s very rare that airports sell diapers, so make sure you bring enough just in case there are delays. I pack “1 diaper per hour” (time at the airport + flight time) + 5 additional ones. You can always buy more when you get to your destination. If you are traveling by yourself, make sure you have the diapers easily accessible!

Traveling with Baby On the Plane

Once we were on the plane, I remember being so paranoid she was going to be “that baby” and cry the whole time, and mama, guess what? THAT’S OK IF THEY ARE. My biggest advice is to put your patience hat on, make sure they are fed, entertained and have the appropriate clothing. When she was 6 weeks, all I had to do was stick her on my boob and she would sleep the whole time! It was definitely the easiest time to travel with her. Now that' she’s a little older and more aware, I’ve had to find many ways to entertain her.

  • Feed or pacify them at take off/landing: The sucking helps with the pressure on their ears, so time it so that they eat or take the pacifier right when ya’ll are taking off. Even if you’re someone that doesn’t mind nursing with no cover, I still recommend having one because it will keep baby in a safe and dark environment with less distractions(especially when they turn on that light!). Aluna once slept for 2 hours under it! My favorite is the AMMA Cocoon. It’s more pricey than others, but they are so discreet, CUTE, breathable and don’t scream “I AM NURSING A BABY UNDER HERE”. If you don’t nurse, make sure you have plenty of formula and bottled water. I would pre-measure and use something like this formula dispenser or this formula container with a scoop. If your baby takes a pacifier, bring a few!

  • Sit in the aisle. You will probably be getting up a lot to change your baby’s diaper, bounce them, or just entertain them!

  • Bring age appropriate toys that aren’t loud and won’t disturb your neighbors. You also want a variety and things that are easy to pack:

    • Industructibles Books: These are so awesome! You can wash these books, and your baby can’t rip them! Aluna loves to chew on these ones. Bring a few, they’re so small and easy to pack

    • Suction Toys: If you end up in a window seat, these are easy to stick on the window. You can also stick them on the TV

    • I love this mat so you can attach toys and they won’t fall on the floor

    • ANY TEETHING TOY because they definitely will put their mouth on everything lol

  • SNACKS if your baby is easy solids + pocket bib + wipes because you’re going to have a mess lol

  • Bring Toy, bottle, and pacifier wipes: these have been awesome for when baby does drop things… trust me, you don’t want to clean them in the bathroom on a plane lol

  • Put baby in layers and bring a blanket for them I’ve been on planes that are too hot, and some that are freezing! So it’s good to have options for your baby. If you have them sleeping under the nursing cover, you definitely want them to be in something they won’t be too hot in.

Hope all of these things help! I will put together a list for when you arrive at your destination, so stay tuned!


Cloth Diaper 101


Aluna’s Favorite Toys During Her First 6 Months